Markdown message

Text messages can also be written using Markdown format.

  1. Click the markdown icon (M letter with a down arrow) located at top left of text box.

    State Appearance
    Markdown off markdown off
    Markdown on markdown on
  2. Type the message using the appropriate syntax. You can write normal text too. A preview of actual message is showed.

    markdown controls

  3. When message is ready click the arrow button to send it or press Enter key.

Markdown message example:

markdown message

Below is the source text to get the message above. Copy and paste the following into the text box:

### Some interesting facts:


For a short time in the history of mathematics, the symbol for positive and negative was a moon.  This is how you would write -2 + 8 = 6

🌜2 + 🌛8 = 6


> “*You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself.*”
> *– Galileo Galilei*


|buttons|or|`weird languages`|


# ..`that` is **Khernet**.


Emojis 😎 are also supported in markdown messages.
