Installation v0.16.0

Note: Version 0.16.0 is deprecated and won’t be able to get new updates. Please refer to Update from version 0.16.0 to continue receiving updates.

Khernet was designed to be installed without wizards similar as a portable application.


  • .NET Framework 4.5 (installed automatically by this application if needed)
  • 270 MB of available space.

Supported systems

Windows Vista SP2 (KB2533623) - Windows 10 (not RT)


  1. Place Khernet.exe file in a folder of your system.

    Find the latest version of Khernet.

  2. Double click the exe file and wait while the application makes its stuff.
  3. When installation is done the main screen will appear.

If a message pops up saying that application have to be executed with administrator privileges please restart the application as administrator otherwise it won’t be able to communicate with peers.

If it’s the first time you run the application create an account otherwise type your username and password to log in to.


Create an username and password.

Caution: Do not lose password otherwise you won’t be able to access to application and thereby lose your chats too.
